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Amputee girl, Acceptance :

Yes, this is me in the two photos (of course at first a little different rs), but what I wanted to share with you hj, is about my acceptance. It was very difficult for me, to look at myself in the mirror and suddenly not see myself as in the first photo ... the process of accepting the "new body" is not something simple. But it is not impossible !!! Trust yourself more and more in yourself, trust in your potential ... a person is not only composed of 2 arms, 2 legs, head and trunk, but by what she has inside her, inside her heart, her intelligence and ability to do much more than simply "walk" with their own legs.

If you accept the way you are, with one leg less, a few extra fats (I do not say that you have to relax and eat everything you see in the front, not take care of your body, your health), but without people, do what makes you happy!!!!! .

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