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Finding Strength (Amputee girl): My Journey After Losing a Hand due to the engine of a small yacht

It happened so quickly. One moment, I was enjoying a sunny day on the yacht with my friends, and the next, my world changed forever. I lost my left hand to the boat's engine. The pain was excruciating, but the shock was even greater. I remember the fear, the confusion, and the overwhelming sense of loss. Adjusting to life with one hand has been a challenge, but I’m learning to adapt.

Everyday tasks are harder now, and sometimes, I feel like giving up. But I refuse to let this define me. I am more than my injury. With the support of my family and friends, I am finding new ways to be strong and independent. It’s a tough journey, but I’m determined to embrace my new reality and live my life to the fullest.

Finding Strength (Amputee girl): My Journey After Losing a Hand due to the engine of a small yacht

Finding Strength (Amputee girl): My Journey After Losing a Hand due to the engine of a small yacht

Finding Strength (Amputee girl): My Journey After Losing a Hand due to the engine of a small yacht

Finding Strength (Amputee girl): My Journey After Losing a Hand due to the engine of a small yacht

Finding Strength (Amputee girl): My Journey After Losing a Hand due to the engine of a small yacht

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